Calendars (Marketing Products)

Savvy businesses understand the enduring value of promotional items that offer long-term utility. Custom photo calendars are a strategic marketing tool that delivers exceptional brand exposure for a full year. Unlike fleeting flyers or brochures, calendars provide a valuable year-round reference point, keeping your company name and logo consistently in front of potential customers. Imagine your brand prominently displayed on a calendar hanging in a client's home or office – a subtle yet persistent reminder of your services with every glance. Furthermore, compared to other promotional methods, calendar printing boasts affordability and high visibility, making it a favorite among business owners and marketing professionals.
Calendar Standard Features:
Calendar Sizes: 8.5" x 11", 9" x 12", 11" x 8.5", 12" x 12". Or you can request a quote for your unique sizes.
Calendar Quantities: 100 to 25,000 - Or you can request a quote for your unique quantities.
Calendar Paper: 100# Gloss Text throughout or add a 12pt cardstock cover
Calendar Page Count: 24pg, 28pg and 32pg are the standard but you can request a quote for a different amount of pages.
Calendar Addons: Hole Drilling available.
Calendar Turnaround: We strive to be one of the fastest printers in the nation. Check out our fast turn around options for Calendar.
Calendar File Preparation:
See our FAQs for file preparation tips and accepted file formats.
Custom Quotes & Design Services:
In case you're unable to find your preferred options or lack a print-ready file for your Calendar, and you're seeking our design services, navigate to Request a Quote in the main menu. Include essential elements like your logo, required text, and any additional details for a tailored postcard design service. Elevate your Calendar printing experience with our customizable options.